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mars loon
pancam.gif The Roving Mars DVD will finally be released on 31 July 2007: pancam.gif

biggrin.gif A MUST SEE for all Mars lovers ! wheel.gif wheel.gif wheel.gif wheel.gif

Details here from the New York Times and at

Not many details are listed at this time

The run time is listed as 40 min. This may indicate no additonal features or footage, but that is unclear.

Edit: just found this additional info

Bonus Movie: Mars and Beyond - Disney's 1957 Mars investigation
· Mars: Past, Present & Future featurette

mars loon
The "Roving Mars" DVD is now available .

Includes the Disney feature from 1957 and a documentary including interviews with the MER team.

Ordering at Disney's 20 euro for the disc, another 30 euro for shipping.
Is that normal ?
It's a rip off - but that's normal for the industry. I'm buying it from the US via Amazon Marketplace - £11 including postage.

I'm just lazy, I'm going to try it out through a video rental program first, and decide if it looks like it'd be worth renting. I should have my hands on it soon, though...
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