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Full Version: Private Message Spam from 'Jupiter'
Unmanned > EVA > Chit Chat
Everyone, I just received a PM from a new member called 'jupiter' (zero posts) that had nothing but a link and a brief message to "enjoy" I strongly suspect that this is a cyberattack of some sort against UMSF members. I've PMed Doug and ElkGroveDan for investigation; meanwhile, I urgently advise everyone not to open this link!!!

Be happy to be wrong here, but it looks very suspicious.
The member has had his account suspended for 7 days for using UMSF to spam members. If anyone else has recieved any PM's from the guy (he's not used UMSF to send emails according to our logs) then I will not hesitate to close his account.

There is nothing more suspicious than that - the page itself is relevant to UMSF, and safe. It's not some hack attempt - it's just a very misplaced opinion of how to promote a website. Moronic, not malicous.

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