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Unmanned > Outer Solar System > Saturn > Cassini Huygens > Titan
Mirror World
With mountains, lakes, volcanoes, clouds, riverbeds, and rain, Saturn’s moon Titan is an icy, fun-house version of Earth.
by Sam Flamsteed
May 1, 2007
Holder of the Two Leashes
Thrills and chills!

A slight emphasis on the "chills".
An evocative top-level summary, but perhaps too many analogies to Earth presented as factual. There's a lot going on there that we don't understand yet, as shown by many other threads on UMSF.

Much more work to do, and hopefully far more than enough justification from Cassini's continuing efforts to launch a series of dedicated missions. Titan deserves our attention at least as much as Mars, despite the distance and difficulty-there are important things to be learned here.
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