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Unmanned > EVA > Chit Chat
Well, I think most of you who know I work with HiRISE know that I'm an undergraduate student... Well, I'm graduating in a week and a half, and due to that, I'll be ceasing my work with HiRISE at the end of this month. Hopefully I'll still be able to poke my head on this board, and I still have a few ears with the HiRISE team, but for the most part, I won't be as much of a source of information. Just thought I'd let you all know.

In case you are curious, I'm going to be working with Raytheon.
Hey, there's no reason not to keep poking your head in on this board, tuvas. We value your insights and personality here in this community, whether or not you have inside info about MRO and its results. It seems obvious that you have an intrinsic interest in planetary exploration, and regardless of your place of employment, we'll always enjoy hearing your opinions.

-the other Doug
...of course you'll have to turn in your keys to the executive fridge. tongue.gif
Well - much thanks and kudos for the time and effort you've put in in keeping us informed about all things HiRISE - it's very much appreciated smile.gif

Good luck at Raytheon smile.gif

Thanks so much for your good work, tuvas! Please don't get the idea that we only loved you for your data smile.gif
Phil Stooke
Will you be prefacing everything with Ray- now?

I'm picturing you shouting "Yee-haw" as you ride the Lunar Hopper down into Shackleton.

QUOTE (brellis @ May 1 2007, 09:39 AM) *
...of course you'll have to turn in your keys to the executive fridge. tongue.gif

Where is this executive fridge and why wasn't I told about it?
Thanks from me too, Tuvas, for all your input re HiRISE. I know many of us non techie types have greatly appreciated the way you've translated complicated elements of the mission into more easily understandable language. As others have said, don't be a stranger ok?

And make sure my crater gets on that targets list! wink.gif
Just a little curiousity, Raytheon is a famous opti-electronics manufacturer, isn't it?
So tuvas, what're you going to do there, may be building another Super-HiRISE for Mars 201x mission rolleyes.gif

Your technical posts are very welcome, I liked them very much.
Best of luck, tuvas, and please don't be a stranger. If you decide someday to leave the dark side of the Force and look into civil service tongue.gif , let me know...I can show you how to look! smile.gif
Congrats on graduating, tuvas, and good luck with Raytheon. I know a few people who have worked for them and had a great experience. One of their small divisions, Santa Barbara Remote Sensing, built the TES, THEMIS, and Mini-TES instruments, so they have a great NASA instrument heritage. Good luck again!
Thanks for all of the comments, I will still try and remain on this board, but it'll just be somewhat harder without the reason to check it for HiRISE content.

As to what I'll be doing at Raytheon, I'll be working with the Missile Systems group, working with the signal processing division. I think I'll be working on processing images or radar signals at least to start out with. And I know it's not something directly applicable to space as most of you know I would like to get into, but one of the deciding factors on me accepting the offer was the fact that I see such technology as a way to precisely land a lander on Mars, imagine if we could land a lander on Mars as specifically as a missile hits it's target, to within a meter or less, all of the doors that it could open. Only a small area of a HiRISE image would be enough to validate the targeting site, and it would be great.

As to the executive fridge, well, no comment...
Congratulations on your upcoming graduation and new career! Good luck!

(Any way you could "fix" the software so that an upcoming missile test just happens to have a dummy payload that also just happens to have scientific imaging and instrumentation and that just happens to slightly miss it's intended target and ends up gently landing on say....Mars? wink.gif

Would Raytheon consider that a little "oopsie" or a CLM (Career Limiting Move)?)

Congratulations, Tuvas, and best of luck to you with your new career. Thanks for the HiRise insider information and insight. We certainly hope to see you around here in the future.
QUOTE (tuvas @ May 2 2007, 02:36 AM) *
As to what I'll be doing at Raytheon, I'll be working with the Missile Systems group, working with the signal processing division.

I hear IBM ASICs with embedded DRAM are wonderful. Please encourage Raytheon to purchase more. wink.gif
So, today's my official last day at HiROC. It's been a fun year. But, as it happens, time always goes by, and time for changes comes. I hope all goes well, and hopefully I'll still be able to stick around here, but probably not much in the next two weeks, who knows after that.
Good luck in all your endeavors, tuvas! Don't forget us here..... smile.gif
Thanks for the views and explanations from inside. Good luck!
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