I've seen some wonderfull Highres planet/moon maps made by A. Tayfun Oner (he's also a member here) on http://www.solarviews.com.
Like to use these maps in Celestia but that's not possible because Celestia uses simple cylindrical maps and not quadrangle maps.
Quadrangle maps consist of Mercator, Lambert and stereographic projection (see attachement)

Is there a way to convert these maps, or can A. Tayfun Oner provide conversions?

Reason i ask is because these quadrangle maps are the best i've seen to date!


map of Io by A. Tayfun Oner http://www.solarviews.com/eng/iomap.htm
11K map i have, 10% resize attached
original file was a 155 MB TIFF, uploaded 8 MB jpg version here http://rapidshare.com/files/25513892/Io_SSI-only_color_merge_SIMP0.cub.rar.html

thx for any help