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Unmanned > EVA > Chit Chat
I will probably watch this just for the chance of seeing some Apollo footage but as they used to say ( a lot) in Star Wars... "I've got a really bad feeling about this !"

From the blurb:

"After 40 years, man is preparing to return to the Moon. But this time the astronauts won't just land on the Moon - they plan to stay.

From his office in Nevada, Dennis Hope has spawned a multi-million dollar business selling lunar real estate."


Watched it, and the thought of harvesting helium 3 from the moon was new to me. The tv show had some unrelevant items in it (the nasa detective) but as a whole I liked it.
Excellent documentary, more in the style of HORIZON of 5 years ago... about the possibility to get Helium-3 from the Moon as this can be used in nuclear fusion reactors... Interesting (different) views by former Apollo astronauts Harrison Schmitt and Edgar Mitchell wink.gif
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