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Shouldn't you be at NASA Night, Jason? smile.gif

I was there for the first presentation then it devolved into a Mars discussion. I left. I'm now happy I did.
QUOTE (volcanopele @ Mar 12 2007, 01:48 PM) *
I was there for the first presentation then it devolved into a Mars discussion. I left. I'm now happy I did.

I'm sure the feeling was mutual among those who stayed.
Phil Stooke
I stayed - very upbeat compared with a certain brawl I heard about....
Continuing a tradition, even in online form this year at least, I present to you the UMSFers at LPSC discussion thread. Didn't like the beer at the Student Reception (aka the NASA Night Aftermath Beerfest)? Liked a poster and want to talk about it. Feel free to discuss!
The poor misguided young man remains adamant in his disdain for the rocky planets, and now he admits there are free beers he also dislikes! I'm afraid he is a lost cause.

I managed to swing by for the Tuesday night posters and most of Wednesday's Mars sessions, but I had to grab my umbrella and slog through pouring rain to find volcanopele at one of the outlying sessions.

In all honesty though, I must admit that I was temporarily drawn away from Mars to get a glimpse of Enceledus. wink.gif
Enceladus sad.gif

I knew that it was bad news when I saw that the session I was co-chairing and giving a talk in was going up against that little moon. For most of the Mars sessions, the rooms were filled to 80% capacity or more. I think ours hit 60% tops. It was a good session nonetheless, and overall a great conference once again.
It was a good conference. Nice to meet Anne Verbiscer and Phil Stooke finally. Saw CosmicRocker as well, but only for a short bit during the Enceladus session. My only problem was that my flu returned in the last couple of days of the conference, forcing me to miss the morning session Thursday and Friday.

And I thought the free beer was pretty good, I was just using that as an example to start a discussion.
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