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Full Version: T26 (March 9-10, 2007)
Unmanned > Outer Solar System > Saturn > Cassini Huygens > Titan
The T26 mission description document is now online (873 Kb PDF).
Also this:
Thanks to jsheff for pointing this out - I've never found my way to that part of CICLOPS before.

note the location of the ISS high resolution mosaic from

Focus on a region centered at 45N, 230W at 2km resolution. North of Belet.

"The T26 observations will allow follow-up on discoveries made in T25 images and examination of some of the terrain observed by the RADAR instrument during T21 (December 12, 2006).

Does anyone know the coordinates of the northern lake? I assume some of the planned mosaic will overlap this feature? 45N is certainly too low in latitude.

QUOTE (belleraphon1 @ Mar 6 2007, 04:40 AM) *

note the location of the ISS high resolution mosaic from

Focus on a region centered at 45N, 230W at 2km resolution. North of Belet.

"The T26 observations will allow follow-up on discoveries made in T25 images and examination of some of the terrain observed by the RADAR instrument during T21 (December 12, 2006).

Does anyone know the coordinates of the northern lake? I assume some of the planned mosaic will overlap this feature? 45N is certainly too low in latitude.


The second pop-up image (it has a workably large thumbnail as well) shows the imaging plan on the map of Titan, and has almost identical geometry to the global picture from last encounter, also showing the lake.

The footprints indicated there look like they come close to the lake, but just miss it. Lighting is not favorable, since the lake was partly in darkness last time, and seems to be rotated more or entirely into darkness this time.
It's been 5 days since new raw images were posted on the JPL site, playback of T26 data was scheduled to have started on March 10 at 19h UTC using the Madrid 70m antenna.

I can live without fresh raws, make no mistake, but the lack of them is what's starting to make me feel nervous. unsure.gif
Everything seems to be fine. I'm in Houston now and I can't do too much checking from here, but as far as I know, nothing serious has happened. The JPL page just hasn't been updated yet for some reason.
Ahhh... good to hear that. Isn't the raw page supposed to be automatically updated? Without human input and such?
I knew I should have waited a few hours more before whining!
ring is still there

it looks like they should have been visible in the not-so-polar flybys. is there a way to search for filters in the raw images?
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