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Workshop on Ices, Oceans, and Fire: Satellites of the Outer Solar System
August 13–15, 2007
Boulder, Colorado

First Announcement
That looks to be a fun meeting. But the last time I attended a meeting in Boulder during the summer it was absolute torture to be sitting all day in a darkened room, with the sun shining on the mountains outside...I don't know how anybody at SSI ever gets any work done.

Interesting. Very poor timing for me... but I'll add that to my calender. Thanks, Alex.
Most have probably noticed it, but the second announcement has been out for a while. Note the deadline for abstracts is one week from today.
Just a reminder, abstracts for this conference are due tomorrow at 5pm CDT.

If you are submitting an abstract, I doubt you need the reminder, and are, like me, busy working on it.
For those who cannot wait for the final announcement and program, most of the abstracts (grouped together by topic) are available via FTP.
laugh.gif Sweet! Mine's there (look in other, page 17-18)
I've skimmed through the various topics and there are some fairly interesting abstracts.
QUOTE (volcanopele @ May 24 2007, 05:06 PM) *
laugh.gif Sweet! Mine's there (look in other, page 17-18)

Just a couple of comments, Jason:

First, why is the first Tn designation in quotes? I wouldn't see this as proper form, unless it was associated with an explanation of the designation system. (Yes, a very minor nit, I know.)

Second -- SCFs??? Methinks the acronym guys are getting a bit loopy. Instead of calling them Suspiciously Circular Features, why not just call them craters? A crater can be either an impact site or a caldera, after all... smile.gif

BTW, must feel good to have your name out front of such people as McEwen and Porco. Good work, Jason!

-the other Doug
I've had a look at few of the PDF's on offer.

On the "Other" PDF, it has the full Cassini RADAR swaths, including T30.

And updated imaging plans for the Iapetus encounter, including saturn-shine imaging.
1) because I don't believe the T25 encounter actually happened... no, I have no idea why T25 is in quotes and the others are not. As to why I don't explain the numbering system, given the limited space, I didn't think it was THAT important to explain it. I keep complaining about how long the LPSC and this conferences abstracts are, but in the end, I have more problems with getting my abstracts UNDER the length limit! In my first draft, the intro was twice as long.
2) well, I wanted to call them CRATERs (Concentric and/or Round Albedo TERrains)... we don't call them craters because that is a structural term specifically referring to a topographic depression. We can't see topography, so we can't call these craters. So they are CRATERs (or SCFs).
Phil Stooke
That's quite a nice north polar map in the abstract... I grabbed it and played around with it, but I suspect it would not be appropriate to post the result... however, it shows how great the dataset is already, and how amazing a good extended mission map will be. What I particularly look forward to will be the series of 1:5,000,000 scale quads the USGS will publish eventually - say in about 2015.

QUOTE (AlexBlackwell @ May 24 2007, 05:42 PM) *
For those who cannot wait for the final announcement and program, most of the abstracts (grouped together by topic) are available via FTP.

Looks like access has been pulled. Shucks!!!!! Have to wait until July. sad.gif


Nice to see this thread. The second announcement mentions my "SOS" presentation. Scroll down to the "SCIENCE ON A SPHERE" heading about 1/3 of the way down the page:
Okay, it's official.

The final announcement is up, as well as the program with embedded links to abstracts and the author index.
I will unfortunately not be attending this workshop. I will be attending to a family emergency that week and will not be able to make the workshop.
Volcanopele... sorry to hear about the family emergency... best wishes...

I urge all to check out the abstracts.... I concentrated on the Titan work...

A lot of golden nuggets in here....

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