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Full Version: Which DSLR should I Get?
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I want to upgrade to a DSLR from my Fuji 602.

Cameras i've been looking at are the Nikon D40, Canon 400D and Pentax K100D. I already own some Pentax lenses so the K100 would seem like an obvious choice - however when I held it, the thing that struck me was the weight, it was very heavy - my wrist hurt after a while. They also increased the price by £50 ohmy.gif It was £349 here in the UK, now £399. sad.gif

Any other DSLR owners here have any of the cameras mentioned above?

(Although I might end up getting a Mac Mini When Apple's Leopard comes out and forget about cameras - haha lol)
400D here - LOVING it.


I don't have any of these cameras but you might direct your question to this photography website (UK based) They have very robust forums there,some of the most active on the net. They should be able to help you.
I have a 350D and love it. Some people with larger hands think it's too small, but it works for me.

I had a few EOS lenses (the excuse I used to convince my wife we needed this camera), but none were anything to write home about and I've ended up buying a few news ones to work better with the 1.6x factor.

All the questions you'll have have probably been answered in the dpreview site linked above. Look under Reviews and Forums.
My wife got me a 400D for Christmas and I just love it, though I haven't had the opportunity to take it out for a serious test drive yet. It's convenient that the older EOS components all still integrate with it.
OK I looked at the forums at dpreview. There seem to be lots of complaints about under exposure with the 400D and the kit lens seems to be very poor.

I'm not sure my computer could handle 10MP images either lol.
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