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Full Version: Mystery Science Theater 3000 2.0
Unmanned > EVA > Chit Chat
Okay, this is off topic, but I know there are several other fans of Mystery Science Theater 3000 in this forum - so I would be remiss in not mentioning RiffTrax, which I just noticed. I'm calling it "Mystery Science Theater II: Electric Boogaloo." This weekend I get to watch "Star Trek V" the way we always knew it was meant to be seen: with hilarious commentary from Mike Nelson and Kevin "Tom Servo" Murphy. You MST3K fans will understand how excited I am about this. (I'm sure no one else will.)

Consider yourselves notified, fellow MST3K nostalgics. End of promotion.
...I can dig it! biggrin.gif Thanks, MH.
monty python
Wow. Thanks. I can hardly wait to get my MANOS on that!!. biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif
That is fantastic Mike. I'm so old I can remember when they called it Mystery Science Theater 2000. You realize of course that this will now force me to waste a perfectly good Saturday afternoon.
What do you think, sirs? biggrin.gif
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