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Full Version: PDS dataproduct Viewer
Unmanned > EVA > Chit Chat
Hey, does anyone out there know of a good PDS data product viewer? Preferably one that works for multiple OSes, ei, Mac, Unix, Linux, Windows. Thanks!
Well - realistically, ISIS is the only product that will do it all.

NASA View is available on many platforms, and there is an IMG loaded for GIMP.

I don't think ISIS allows one to look at the IMG files, just the .cub files, right? At least, the last time I checked...
Is there a Windows-compatible viewer for .qub files?

(One that will fit innocently on a desktop computer and not get me in deep deep trouble with the nastybad IT department)


P.S. I went to the ISIS download page:
and do not consider myself "strong at heart" when it comes to software installation. The brief description did not mention Windows.
No ISIS for's one of the reasons I just bought a MacBook


If you aren't too concerned about speed, you could run a Linux box inside of a VMWare Virtual Server window. The software is free and pretty robust. I've run three different Os's (XP, Vista, Fedora) all at the same time on my XP machine. Every extra GB of RAM helps though.
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