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There is quite a bounty of JPL goodness and all things sciencey on iTunes these days if you search the podcast directory! Stumbled across this while searching for space related podcasts -

Riding With Robots Podcast

It's all stuff we have seen before, but it's sometimes nice to see what another "enthusiast" considers the best of 2006....

The site itself has other goodies for download, including a Widget that displays a pic of the day and a screensaver.

You might be interested in the latest edition of the podcast - it's a conversation with Ed Stone, former JPL director and chief scientist for Voyager.
This week's edition is an interview with Dr. Elizabeth Turtle of Cassini team.
A new interview with Dr. Sue Smrekar from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter team is now online.
The latest episodes feature JPL scientists and mission managers: MER's Byron Jones, MSL's Ashwin Vasaveda, and a new one today, Cassini's Rosaly Lopes.
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