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Full Version: UMSF New Year's Resolutions
Unmanned > EVA > Chit Chat
This year, I resolve to:

-Renew my TPS membership
-Drive my girlfriend even crazier with "Honey-look-at-this!"-s from Cassini, MRO, Odyssey, ME, VE, Hubble, Spitzer, the MERs, etc., etc.
-Continue to enjoy the great info from & great company of my buds here at UMSF! smile.gif

A terrific 2007 to all!
And for me, I'm planning to:
- Update my own website about telescopes and space-related stuffs
- Enjoy watching Saturn at opposition in Feb 07, taking some photos also
- Continue to follow the exciting journeys of Cassini, MERs, MRO, NH... to discover our Solar System
and finally, stop lurking around and become more active here at USMF wink.gif

Happy new year 2007 to everyone!
Well my new years resolution is just going to have to be UXGA yet again however if I'm really good I might manage WQXGA before the end of the year.

Image geeks always want MORE RESOLUTION!
Don't resolve too much or it may end up as in the story of the Swedish student who woke up on the morning of January the first feeling rather under the weather, so he made a resolution:

"I shall never drink vodka again"

but then after some thought he added:

out of the bottle...
before breakfast"

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