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Full Version: Doug and the Guardian
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While out to buy today's Guardian (UK national paper) I noticed a piece on the 50th Anniversary of the "Sky at Night". Our Doug gets a mention: and if you buy today's paper you may well get the free Christmas coffee mug that also comes with it! The article (but not the pottery laugh.gif ) are online here.

Well done, Doug.

What are you - a school teacher smile.gif (Who else buys it!)

I'll leave the full story of why I was at speaking to Maev at Sir Patricks at the end of last week till February smile.gif

Till then....I will leave you all in suspense. Great picture of Jeanie (the fluffy one) on Sir Patrick's desk on Page 10.... with an 1877 globe of Mars on his desk - again, a great story to tell, but it'll have to wait smile.gif

That sounds like the perfect timing for starting a pool! laugh.gif
I say you're going to have a space in the newspaper on your own... wink.gif
No speculation please - such things always outstrip reality and can get out of hand. You'll all just have to sit tight and wait. ph34r.gif
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