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Scientists at NASA believe they have definitive evidence that there
is still water on Mars today. Recently taken photographs of the Martian
surface have been compared with others taken a few years earlier. The
scientists found that some new craters have been formed since. Also, it
has been discovered that some gullies on crater walls have grown bigger
over the years.

Many skeptics say that this does not prove that it is indeed water.
Arguing that it could be another liquid, or fine sand.

Ever since scientists have been exploring Mars, they have been thinking
about water. There has been many evidence that show Mars has had liquid
water in the past; yet, not many have shown evidence of liquid water
currently flowing the red planet.

However, earlier this week, NASA has found some shocking proofs that there
is indeed liquid water flowing on Mars today. After the Mars Exploration
Rovers (MER) team discovered they were not receiving any more data from
their Opportunity rover, the team decided to call on the newly arrived Mars
Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) team to photograph yet again the lost rover.
What the MRO discovered left them speechless. The Opportunity rover was found
in the middle of a water-filled crater.

NASA told the media today that it will hold a press briefing on the discovery
(and lost) late next week.

This little story comes after a short discussion on IRC. This person was sad after reading an article, that the article was not about Opportunity drowning. Then RockHound decided it could be a good story to put on The Onion with all the "water on mars" talk everywhere. However, it seems The Onion does not take submissions from the public sad.gif. So I decided to write a little "story" and present it here for your enjoyment.

Of course, Opportunity has not drown smile.gif
Ha! biggrin.gif With a little fine tuning that could turn into a story for The Onion. I was tempted to try to Photoshop a simulated HiRise image, but my skills there are a bit short of this challenge. I was picturing Opportunity at the base of a cape, performing a RAT operation that opened the floodgates of the mother of all gullies, filling Victoria with water. Surely someone here can create that image, or Opportunity's final image. cool.gif
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