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Full Version: 2nd International Workshop on Exploring Mars and its Earth Analogues
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2nd International Workshop on Exploring Mars and its Earth Analogues
Trento, Italy
June 19-23, 2007
The preliminary programme with abstracts is now available.
Cool!!! It's in Trento!! The city where I live!!
Someone that reads this forum will be there? I'm not 100% sure but probably I'll be at the workshop all the week!
I'm thinking about something like a blog to keep you updated!

Tell me which are the speeches where you would like to read a detailed report!

My intention is also to take pictures and interviews... suggestions?

QUOTE (malgar @ Jun 15 2007, 02:52 PM) *
I'm thinking about something like a blog to keep you updated!
My intention is also to take pictures and interviews... suggestions?

Well! I've just got registration gadgets and I'm ready to follow all the five days!
You can find all reports here:

I'm still waiting suggestions!

Hi Alessio,

I've looked over the talk titles and I'm interested in the two SHARAD talks: Understanding the three-dimensional stratification of Mars Polar Layered Terrains seen by SHARAD using terrestrial analogies
and Subsurface sounding radar data over the putative sub-surface ocean in Cerberus Palus, Mars. Comparison with possible Terrestrial analogues

It would also be great to see a list from the meeting of named sites on Earth -- with latitude and longitude, if people mention them -- of Mars analogue sites that are discussed, and a brief note or two on how they are supposed to be similar to Mars.

And I don't know if you are planning to stay through Saturday, but I think the landing site talks would be very interesting. I don't know much at all about the ExoMars landing site selection, though I probably should.

Thank you Emily! I'll try to do my best on what you suggested!

QUOTE (elakdawalla @ Jun 18 2007, 05:49 PM) *
Hi Alessio,

I've looked over the talk titles and I'm interested in the two SHARAD talks: Understanding the three-dimensional stratification of Mars Polar Layered Terrains seen by SHARAD using terrestrial analogies
and Subsurface sounding radar data over the putative sub-surface ocean in Cerberus Palus, Mars. Comparison with possible Terrestrial analogues

It would also be great to see a list from the meeting of named sites on Earth -- with latitude and longitude, if people mention them -- of Mars analogue sites that are discussed, and a brief note or two on how they are supposed to be similar to Mars.

And I don't know if you are planning to stay through Saturday, but I think the landing site talks would be very interesting. I don't know much at all about the ExoMars landing site selection, though I probably should.

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