Goodmorning, my name is Leo Bister, I am flightdirector today for Opportunity. It is sol 31 today for Opportunity. We are still in our crater at Meridiani.
Yesterday we for the first time RAT-ted a about a 4 millimeter deep hole in the rocks in the outcrop of our crater, a place we call El Capitan. Following the drilling of that hole we placed the APXS in the hole and do some integration overnight.
This morning our plan is to change tools to the Mossbauer and then place the Mossbauer in that same hole and then do a very long integration, a 24 hour long integration of that site.
Today is a good day for us to recharge the batteries after several very busy days at the El Capitan outcrop.

MER-A yesterday, their day is now done, it’s 8 AM by the way in the morning for Opportunity. For Spirit is was sol 51 yesterday and they drove about 26 meters towards their intented target, which they are calling Middle Ground. They are about 3 meters away and the drive was shortened by the hazard avoidance software onboard.
Tomorrow the plan is to turn again towards their intended target and to go there and then possibly spend a few days in this crater. There are some very interesting rocks that the scientists want to look at.
So that’s the plans for Opportunity and Spirit, both vehicles remain in excellent health, and that’s all for now. Have a good day.