Hello, this is Jessica Collisson with the Opportunity rover report for sol 27 on Friday February 20th.
Today, the rover has reached its target called El Capitan and we will first be starting with some IDD activities on two different locations. We will take a set of 5 microscopic images with the cover open and then we will do one with the cover closed and this helps give a little bit of shading or different color to the image. The cover on the MI imager is a little bit of an orange color, so we will see through a different lense almost. The target of the MI imaging is right in front of us and we will be able to place the Mossbauer instrument after we do the MI images. Then we will move the arm over to the right a little bit and take more MI images of a different area and this is the flat surface, flat rock. It is right in front of the rover.
When that is done, we will drive forward a little bit, only .3 to .4 meters, and approach some of the taller rock structures that are in front of us and position ourselves for some of the IDD activity on that location tomorrow.
In conjunction we’ll also be doing lots of Pancam imaging and Mini-TES imaging and this afternoon, close to sunset, we will point Pancam in the vicinity so we can look at the dust in the air towards the end of the day and help understand how much dust we are seeing in the atmosphere at this time.
That is the report for today. Stay tuned for the update tomorrow.