Goodmorning, welcome to sol 25. My name is Leo Bister, I am the flight director for Opportunity. We just finished our morning direct-to-earth communication-session. Everything on the spacecraft seems to be healthy. All our activities from yesterday went well and we are expecting another good science day on Mars.
Our plans for today, our theme is fascination with the dirt. We are still in the trench. Our IDD is in the trench and we are gonna look at some more areas of the trench to see if we can learn some more about the dirt and what might have formed the elements there we’re finding in the dirt.
Tomorrow we’re going to back up and do some remote imaging of the trench with our MiniTES and our Pancam instruments. And then we will be moving back to the outcrop to do some more science there.
So again, everything is going well on Opportunity with yet another good science day. That’s all for now.