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Unmanned > Mars & Missions > Orbiters > MRO 2005
There seem to be only a small subset of the MRO images in real colors yet,
but luckily with the incredible resolution and dynamic range of the HiRISE camera, those fine greysacle images are predestined for high-resolution hand-colorizing.
Now, the hard thing is to decide just which of the many awsome fascinating new views to colorize wink.gif

This one is my new favourite: smile.gif
Click to view attachment

(please note that, as with all of my images, the usual color disclaimer applies:
although I tried to hand-calibrate the palette with "real" colors taken from multi-filter color composite
frames of similar areas as much as possible, due to the inevitable uncertainties about the "true" colors,
the overall color mood is to be viewd as "artist impression" only ...
QUOTE (Nirgal @ Nov 30 2006, 06:46 PM) *
There seem to be only a small subset of the MRO images in real colors yet,
but luckily with the incredible resolution and dynamic range of the HiRISE camera, those fine greysacle images are predestined for high-resolution hand-colorizing.
Now, the hard thing is to decide just which of the many awsome fascinating new views to colorize wink.gif

HiRISE images should be credited from NASA/JPL/University of Arizona, not MSSS. MSSS did MOC on MGS, and they run CTX and MARCI on MRO.

As to why more HiRISE color images aren't coming, well, that's still not automatic, so, it'll take a bit more time to get them rolling. There's some cool ones coming though!
I notice everyone here generally talks about "MRO images" regardless of the instrument while the HiRISE folks, for example, talk of "HiRISE images". I realize now that for other missions I generally refer to <spacecraft> images rather than <instrument> images. For example "Cassini images". Interesting...

HiRISE, of course, does not produce real color images, and I don't believe there are any formal plans to create "real" color products from the false color images. Therefore, I cannot wait to see what Nirgal and others come up with! I think HiRISE and the other camera teams will eventually work together to merge some of their ride-along images together, but I bet the wider enthusiast community gets there first!
Richard, first thanks to you and Tuvas for participating in this discussion, and for both your contributions to getting the images out for us to enjoy.

One thing missing from the HiRISE releases is the context shots. I know that's a different team, but is there a way to link to a CTX image from the HiRISE image pages? Also, there's a huge gap between the full size images and the browse resolution JPEGs. Perhaps that gap could be filled with more crops out of the full images. (Assuming someone has time to do it of course).
QUOTE (tuvas @ Dec 1 2006, 03:01 AM) *
HiRISE images should be credited from NASA/JPL/University of Arizona, not MSSS. MSSS did MOC on MGS, and they run CTX and MARCI on MRO.

Thanks for the hint, tuvas ! I accidentally used the wrong credit template from the last CTX image ...
-> image online again with correct credit line smile.gif

Let me take this opportunity (because it can not be said often enough) to say a big, big thank you for your phantastic team and all the others involved in those missions for not only making all those breathtaking images possible at all, but also providing the raw material in quasi real-time for the whole internet community !!

smile.gif smile.gif smile.gif
QUOTE (Nirgal @ Nov 30 2006, 05:46 PM) *
There seem to be only a small subset of the MRO images in real colors yet,
but luckily with the incredible resolution and dynamic range of the HiRISE camera, those fine greysacle images are predestined for high-resolution hand-colorizing.
Now, the hard thing is to decide just which of the many awsome fascinating new views to colorize wink.gif

This one is my new favourite: smile.gif

This looks a lot like the best pictures of Hyperion!
QUOTE (MarkL @ Dec 1 2006, 07:31 AM) *
One thing missing from the HiRISE releases is the context shots. I know that's a different team, but is there a way to link to a CTX image from the HiRISE image pages? Also, there's a huge gap between the full size images and the browse resolution JPEGs. Perhaps that gap could be filled with more crops out of the full images. (Assuming someone has time to do it of course).

Context details are being worked out, but I know no time frame. Cropping interesting areas out of full-sized images is done by whoever has some time and a particular interest in the image.

Dr. McEwen mentioned in Fraser Cain's Universe Today podcast that this early in the mission we are also analyzing the images to help us take better images in the future. The uplink team is using this information to better plan upcoming images.

Once uplink has some practice with commanding the HiRISE camera, I think the science team *may* have more time to really pick out their areas of interest.
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