Goodmorning, I am Leo Bister, the MER-B flight director. Today is sol 24 on Mars for Opportunity. It’s 10 AM in the morning. We are right now in the process of receiving communications-data, getting data from the spacecraft. We are parked in an area in our crater which is we think rich in hematite. Two days ago we uses our microscopic imager, our Mossbauer instrument and the APXS instrument to look at that soil. And then yesterday we used the right front wheel , keeping the five other wheels stationary, to dig a trench. That trench is about 8 centimeters deep and today we plan to use the microscopic imager, APXS and Mossbauer instruments again to look inside the trench to see what’s different after we’ve done this digging. We may also do some of that tomorrow. That’s it for the day, we expect to have a good day on Mars.