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Unmanned > Mars & Missions > Orbiters > MRO 2005
This is my first post here so I hope I've put it in the right place... forgive me if I didn't. I was just reading Cornell University's Athena webpage ( and spotted this brand new update from Steve Squyres:

One more thing: Keep your eyes peeled for some new images of both rover landing sites from our friends on the MRO HiRISE team. That's one heck of a camera they've got, and we're expecting some pretty spectacular new images soon.

The fantastic images just keep coming! Anybody know when that release date might be?
QUOTE (jmjawors @ Nov 27 2006, 02:29 PM) *
Anybody know when that release date might be?

Apart from the HiRISE team....probably not. Wont make the image arrive any quicker anyway smile.gif

I am REALLY looking forward to the Spirit one, the tracks should be much much more visible than for Opportunity - and hopefully I will at last get my head around a lost couple of months from West Spur to the Summit - never really 'got' the terrain and the route'll be cool to drop this over the DEM as well smile.gif

The new image of Victoria will be used to create a more accurate 3-D model of the crater and we should see some Victoria analglyphs in very great detail. Hopefully the landing bounces and Eagle will also be in the image. That should be the first stereo image produced by HiRISE. Given the angle of illumination, we'll see extremely good 3-D views of all but the western quadrant of the crater. Certainly something to be excited about.

There are a great many elusive details in the cPROTO images of Columbia Hills so it will also be a treat to have a fresh view and perhaps see Spirit. Unfortunately, Spirit will not be able to get too far from its present position to explore whatever wonders show up in the HiRISE image, but that won't detract from the thrill of seeing the whole Gusev campaign in a single image.

Edit -- Of course another absolute rocking image would be a Columbia Hills analglyph (or series of them) but I doubt that's such a high priority right now.
Sorry if this is not the best place for this question...

Are there any known plans for creating a higher resolution DEM the Columbia Hills region of Gussev?

-- Pertinax
QUOTE (Pertinax @ Dec 7 2006, 02:25 PM) *
Sorry if this is not the best place for this question...

Are there any known plans for creating a higher resolution DEM the Columbia Hills region of Gussev?

-- Pertinax

I'm almost positive there is. I mean, it's silly to take 3 pictures of Opportunity and then not take the second of Columbia Hills...
QUOTE (tuvas @ Dec 7 2006, 04:42 PM) *
I'm almost positive there is. I mean, it's silly to take 3 pictures of Opportunity and then not take the second of Columbia Hills...

Thank you Tuvas,

One more question: any hope of any preliminary versions being available before entering the PDS at EOM (08May09 -

Thank you.

-- Pertinax
QUOTE (Pertinax @ Dec 8 2006, 08:16 AM) *
Thank you Tuvas,

One more question: any hope of any preliminary versions being available before entering the PDS at EOM (08May09 -

Thank you.
-- Pertinax

No idea really, perhaps a stereo image similar to the one at Victoria Crater, but other than that, well... I just don't know.
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