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i am an occasional visitor to unmanned and usually go surfing here for great images that i cannot find elsewhere. i started a blog of space images for the unwashed masses. i am not a scientist, so i am taking a stab at something i know 100x what the average person knows, but 1/1000 of what y'all know. anyway, it started by making these wallpapers for my computer and so many people liked them i was told to enter the blogosphere. any technical facts need correcting please let me know.

i also “repair” images from time to time, but i don't do it scientifically as you do here. my intention is to show places as they might appear if you were there… not to submit for scientific scrutiny. so sometimes i continue the rings of saturn beyond where they were cropped in the original, or i colorize b&w images using other color references of the same world. i attached an example of one.

take a look:
love the mimas against ring shadow desktop.... welcome aboard!
thanks. i was hoping someone might beat me over the head about anything inaccurate or misrepresentative on there. anyone have any issues with the “touch up” work i have done on these?

in particular i tried colorizing the newly interpreted venera data. anyone else on here take a shot at this?

i just noticed they moved this to the cassini group… hmmm. not exactly right either.

Click to view attachment
I certainly can't speak for everyone here, but as a fellow "enthusiast" I would think that since you are describing them as desktop images, they will be judged for artistic merit instead of their scientific accuracy. smile.gif

I notice you credit the mission, which is good, but I personally would be more explicit on the image pedigree, especially with pictures such as Don Mitchell's Venera which represent a tremendous amount of work. IIRC, he was upset about his stuff ending up in publications wtihout permission.

If you include that copyright info in a small corner it might be a good idea, like the image in this post.
yeah… no kidding. i got at least 3 comments on that on there ( i added to the wallpaper itself ). they seemed miffed, but happily don himself gave me some pointers which was the purpose of posting to this forum. he mentioned rayleigh scattering for the skies, but the venera originals have a tiny amount of visuals on the skies... is there any way for me to easily figure out how to better represent them?
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