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Jay Gallentine
Hello All,

My name is Jay Gallentine and for over two years now I have been researching and writing a book on unmanned space exploration. I'm thrilled to say it will be published by the University of Nebraska Press as one volume in their ten-part 'Outward Odyssey' series.

Anyway, the scope of mine covers Sputnik I through Voyager 2's Neptune encounter. I've done interviews with more than a dozen space industry scientists and engineers. I also happened to have conducted the last in-depth interview with James Van Allen before his death in August.

The book is intended to be quite non-technical and for a general interest audience.

Perhaps my greatest fear is of getting the facts wrong. To that end, I'm wondering if any of you folks would be interested in reading the complete manuscript and shooting holes in anything that isn't right. Honesty is key, here! You won't offend me by marking it up. To the contrary; that's what it needs.

I would cover all postage and heck, I'll even put in the red pen if you like!

I'd much rather work to get it right beforehand, than have to issue some meek list of corrections down the road.

I will have something in readable form at the latest in February of 2007. The complete work is due in August of 2007. I realize it's perhaps a bit early to ask, but I guess I thought I'd put it out there now.

You are more than welcome to drop me a line any time at
jay at firingroom dot com

Thank you very much!
Jay Gallentine
Hi Jay,

Unfortunately - you're talking about a period of space exploration which finished when I'm aged about my knowledge of those particular missions is minimal...but I hope some of the more senior members can help you out!

No problem Jay ... Working on the Appendix as we speak wink.gif
Bill Harris
Probably the best people to talk to about that would be Bruce Moomaw and Don P. Mitchell. I don't have email addresses handy, but Don's website is and I don't know if Bruce has a website.

You can find Bruce Moomaw via Yahoo Jupiter List.
Hello Jay Gallentine

Yes even though I happen to be one of the 'senior' members myself, I pass and point to the recommendations made by Bill Harris.
Don P. Mitchell appear to be better read up on the russian/Soviet side of space exploration but certainly got a good overall view of things also.

Bruce Moomaw are knowledgable no doubt about that, but also your man if you really want your book to get beaten up. smile.gif
Sounds good, what will be the title?
Hardbound edition I hope?
When available for pre-order via Amazon?
Jay Gallentine
Hello Steffen,

The title is 'Ambassadors from Earth'.

It should come out in 2009.

Yes, hardback for sure. The first book in the series, Into that Silent Sea, is already posted at Amazon, although not actually shipping just yet.

Thank you all for the kind replies. I've received a few direct e-mails from people offering to help. Much appreciated!

I will keep you posted on the progress.

Jay Gallentine
Jay, what does " Into that silent Sea " cover ?
Best regards,
Jay Gallentine
Hi Philip,

The first two books cover manned spaceflight. Sorry to say mine is the only one about the probes.

They'd originally asked for a book inclusive of unmanned probes as well as satellites. I was perhaps taking a chance, but I made the case that even a truckload of communication satellites couldn't hold a candle to pictures from throughout the solar system. They agreed!

A quick web search of 'Outward Odyssey' will link to relevant news releases about the series in general.

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