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Full Version: Global-scale surface spectral variations on Titan as viewed by VIMS
Unmanned > Outer Solar System > Saturn > Cassini Huygens > Titan
Jason W Barnes
Well, it's self-promotional but I have an Icarus paper that just came out online. You can either download it from Science Direct or from my website, if you don't have access otherwise. Thought this crew might be interested.
Nice I enjoyed reading that!
Much appreciated, thanks.

Nice maps!

A question: What is the Jackson et al. in preparation paper about? And how does that support the Rannou et al. predictions? I'm interested in Titan's polar collar. It seems to be there at 70 degrees latitude just after equinox for Voyager 2 (north) and Keck and Hubble (south). I don't think Rannou et al. talk about this feature. Or is it a different collar, at 40 degrees latitude as your paper seems to suggest?
QUOTE (Jason W Barnes @ Oct 29 2006, 08:21 PM) *
Well, it's self-promotional but I have an Icarus paper that just came out online.

Thought this crew might be interested.

Self-promotional?! blink.gif
This crew member says over and over "Thank you Mr. Jason Barnes"! biggrin.gif

"Huygens landed on dark blue terrain (Rodriguez et al., 2006,
called “unit 1” therein)."

Looks like my Titan Observer allucinations on the days after the landing weren't that far from reality... tongue.gif
Rob Pinnegar
Thanks Jason... that's a nice gesture for the people here who don't have access to journals. I wish other researchers would do this sort of thing more often.

Your apology for being "self-promotional" made me smile. That's academia talking... and it should stay that way.
Thank you! As an extremely casual observer of Cassini, I now have a much greater appreciation for the capabilities of VIMS.
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