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LPL is a department at the University of Arizona, which I'm sure most of you know is highly connected with most interplanetary missions. The reason I mention this is that I've just finished filling out my application to study planetary science at this great department, and I'm very excited! As alot of you may know, I work as a student programmer with HiRISE, and I've gotten my feet wet with studying the planets, seeing the news come in from Cassini, and the pictures of HiRISE, and I hope to be able to study even more!
Any update?
By The Way does LPL have a shop whee to buy planetary explo posters?
LPL doesn't have any kind of a shop so far as I know, although I think close-by Flaundral does some stuff. All I can say is that I changed my application, to continue to study engineering, but work as a RA with HiRISE (As I'm there already), working with calibration issues and the like. I've already got the RA position, but I just need to get formally accepted into the ECE department (Which is considerably easier).
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