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Gee -- one stupid planet disappears behind the Sun, and most of y'all have nothing to talk about...

blink.gif blink.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif

-the other Doug
Two, actually, but who's counting?
How 'bout dem asteroids?
Asteroids do not concern least not until Dawn arrives.
I have noticed the form is quiet now that Mars is in conjunction. I know that Mars has 6 operating spacecraft, but, seriously folks...
The UMSF addict is seen crawling away from a crashed flash-gordon-rocketship across a desert with a pink sky....pitifully gasping "Data! Data!"....
Jim and I had a joke about this - it's time to reaquaint yourselves with a book...take a vacation...or look back at 2000 sols worth of imaging smile.gif

How often conjunction occurs? biggrin.gif
Mars may be in conjunction right now but I know this. On November 8-9, the planet Mercury
will be inferior conjunction to the earth and will transit the sun a few hours later.
And will not be visible from Europe sad.gif

i'll probably try and catch it online
I can't wait till Messenger flies by Mercury, and later of course orbits it.
Bill Harris
Some are looking through 1000 Sols of image archives working to make sense of what we see at Victoria.

It is time to review past topic to refresh the memory. Now I am reading Stephen Hawking's books.

QUOTE (climber @ Oct 19 2006, 02:20 AM) *
How often conjunction occurs? biggrin.gif

The length of time for a conjunction depends, for Mars it's about once every 26 months or so, it's at the earliest once a year if it's further than Earth, the closer the farther spaced but the less time they last, so... Saturn is about once every 13 months or so, for a week or two. Don't know about any other planets...
Man...this conjunction really makes me realize how much a part of life the MERs have become for me (and most of the other people in this forum). Sure hope that at least one of them lasts until MSL lands... sad.gif
QUOTE (nprev @ Oct 19 2006, 12:28 PM) *
Man...this conjunction really makes me realize how much a part of life the MERs have become for me (and most of the other people in this forum). Sure hope that at least one of them lasts until MSL lands... sad.gif

You might make Phoenix, but I really doubt either'll be alive when MSL reaches there. Of course, they are just like the energizer bunny, but, well, you can't push your luck too far...
Cassini....*cough* Cassini... (not currently behind the Sun)
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