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Full Version: LNG engines on Mars
Unmanned > Mars & Missions > Mars
I ve got a question. In some reports I read that a LNG engine would be very usefull on Mars. Also it said that the LNG can react with the carbon dioxid???? Is this true???

I ve got a question. In some reports I read that a LNG engine would be very usefull on Mars. Also it said that the LNG can react with the carbon dioxid???? Is this true???


Someone have gotten the facts half right there, a methane rocket or engine have been proposed several times for missions to Mars, but in those proposals the engines needed oxygen also.

Whats especially interesting are that Methane can be produced from hydrogen in a simple chemical process.
And the return are four times the methane for every part of hydrogen you bring.
You would also get water as a side product which could be useful for astronauts.
So this menthod of producing extra fuel for the return trip have been included in many proposals, yet I am not aware of and dont think the idea have gotten more than an interested nod for the possible sample return missions by NASA and ESA. So nothing decided yet.
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