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Unmanned > EVA > Chit Chat
I guess UMSF forum is best seen with FireFox, but nowadays I'm using Internet Explorer as FireFox 1.5.7 (probably an automatic update) can't browse any webpages...
A FireFox bug? We'll have to wait for version 1.2 sad.gif
QUOTE (Steffen @ Sep 18 2006, 07:56 PM) *
I guess UMSF forum is best seen with FireFox, but nowadays I'm using Internet Explorer as FireFox 1.5.7 (probably an automatic update) can't browse any webpages...
A FireFox bug? We'll have to wait for version 1.2 sad.gif

Odd - I'm using both FF (auto updated a few days ago) and FF 2.0 beta without any issues. Have you tried restarting FF in Safe mode? And if you use any extensions try disabling all extensions and then selectively turning them on one by one.
I've used Firefox since it first released and I'm not having any problems at all. I'm on as well.

I use IE at home and Firefox at work, and I frankly can't tell any difference between the two of them in terms of how they browse UMSF. Both work fine for me.

-the other Doug
Well I'm not having any problems with Firefox either ( for mac, on Linux).

I have had problems with Safari 2.0.4 however, UMSF crashes it quite often. I don't have a problem with any other site. Anyone else had this problem?
Tom Tamlyn
QUOTE (jamescanvin @ Sep 18 2006, 08:34 PM) *
I have had problems with Safari 2.0.4 however, UMSF crashes it quite often. I don't have a problem with any other site. Anyone else had this problem?

Yes. The first thing I do when I go to UMSF is click on "View New Posts." For a long time now this operation has crashed Safari every time I try it. (My version of Safari is 1.3.2, which seems to be the latest version for OS 10 10.3.*)

Never a problem with Firefox, which I also use for the Planetary Society, where Safari doesn't display scroll bars for some big images.

QUOTE (Tom Tamlyn @ Sep 19 2006, 12:13 PM) *
Yes. The first thing I do when I go to UMSF is click on "View New Posts." For a long time now this operation has crashed Safari every time I try it. (My version of Safari is 1.3.2, which seems to be the latest version for OS 10 10.3.*)

Thanks, good to know it's not just me. 'View New Posts' does it for me too but not every time, maybe 50%, very odd.
Safari crashes for me on UMSF all the time - seems others have issues on other fora using the invision software as well. I was using Firefox for a while but for some reason it would never remember my login.... haven't had any time to trouble shoot the last few weeks.
Ditto on safari for me too. UMSF takes safari down everytime i view UMSF with it. Also it is the only website that i have found that crashes safari.
I've had a look at the Invision support forum and there's quite a bit of mention of Invision + Safari being troublesome for I've added the comments here into the mix

Just to add to the confusion... I use Safari to view UMSF, and I've never had any problems at all. I'm on Safari 2.0.4

I've also tried using IE 6.0.2 and Firefox, and they work fine too.

To clarify, I usually can browse a thread or two, but inevitably it goes down. In fact, THIS THREAD killed it just a few seconds ago tongue.gif

I have tried with tabs, without, resetting, etc, but now I just tread lightly and hope for the best. It has helped with my UMSF addiction, though.
Thing is - if it works fine for one person using that config - but doesnt for you - then I'd have thought the problem has to be at your end sad.gif

However - there are quite a few Safari vs Invision board problems over at the support forum ( most to do with the Admin control panel )

Hello, I'm browsing with both IE and FireFox... Checked a FireFox forum and noticed that there might be some issues with the latest version ...
They even had to solve some 'security' issues in the browser wink.gif
Meanwhile the Beta versions of FireFox 2.0 are being tested and can't wait for these to become operational wink.gif
Using the "View New Posts" in the first tab, I open the items one-by-one in a new tab...
But here is an interesting question:
How long do You spend on average on the UMSF forum?

I have to confess I consult 5 days per week, each time from minimum 10 minutes to maximum 60 minutes... smile.gif
Except in very rare and extreme circumstances, I visit the forum every single day and spend as much time as it takes to read every new post.

That's right.

Every new post.

-the other Doug
I'm not quite as dedicated at oDoug, but I also read every post when I get a chance to, usually every few days or so. I think my time spent goes: Sleeping, working, UMSF, eating, spending time with the family. smile.gif
QUOTE (hendric @ Feb 4 2008, 11:05 AM) *
...UMSF, eating, spending time with the family.

Combining all three, my daily routine is browsing UMSF while feeding
my 2 year old granddaughter as she sits on my knee. She calls every
orb she sees "moon!"
You should listen to Planetary Radio on the Mercury Flyby for a similar response from Lakdawalla Jnr smile.gif
As old as Voyager
For a while now when I'm logged into UMSF, forum posts have been displayed as the first line of text only and in order to read the whole post you've got to click on the text.

This never used to be the case for me and when I sign out, posts go back to being displayed in their entirity.

Does anyone know how I can get back to seeing full posts as I scroll down a forum rather than just the tantilising first few words?
AOaV - on the topic Title Bar there is a button on the right hand side called "Options" Click it and change the View to "Standard" you are currently set to the Linear view format. This sometimes happens to me when I follow a link from a search engine or another site back to UMSF.
This happens to me all the time, whenever I visit a UMSF post via a Google search. It's easy to fix. What's happened is that your "Display Mode" has been switched to Outline (which must be the display mode that Google uses). To fix it, go to the "Options" dropdown menu at the upper right side of your screen (in the same bar as it says "Browsing UMSF Forum," the title of this topic) and select "Switch to: Standard" from the list.

I'm also here several times a day, trying to at least browse through every new post.
UMSF is part of my daily internet routine... laugh.gif I check it when I get up, and when I go to bed. I don't usually read every new post, but I do look at the new posts list and investigate what looks interesting. smile.gif
QUOTE (PhilCo126 @ Feb 1 2008, 09:53 AM) *
I have to confess I consult 5 days per week, each time from minimum 10 minutes to maximum 60 minutes... smile.gif

About the same.

QUOTE (dvandorn @ Feb 1 2008, 08:59 PM) * every new post.

I look at every new post, then spend some additional time reading a few or many depending on the topics of the day.
The monday-to-friday pattern is actually quite obvious on the forum stats - it's quite surprising just how much the weekends are quiet.

As old as Voyager
QUOTE (elakdawalla @ Feb 4 2008, 08:38 PM) *
This happens to me all the time, whenever I visit a UMSF post via a Google search. It's easy to fix. What's happened is that your "Display Mode" has been switched to Outline (which must be the display mode that Google uses). To fix it, go to the "Options" dropdown menu at the upper right side of your screen (in the same bar as it says "Browsing UMSF Forum," the title of this topic) and select "Switch to: Standard" from the list.


Thanks helvick & Emily! I never noticed that Options dropdown before! smile.gif
UMSF is also very well viewed with Konqueror for KDE 4 and a couple of other Linux browsers. I'm glad I can enjoy this website even if I don't want to use non-free OSes. Thank you, Doug - you made this website "universal".

I visit the website every day but I'm not a regular poster. Up to this moment I prefer reading and studying.
Don't thank me - thank the guys who write the Invision forum software, and thank two racing simulator developers from Southern England for having their forum run using Invision, which made me start liking Invision in the first place smile.gif

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