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Full Version: News Briefing On August 4
Unmanned > Outer Solar System > Saturn > Cassini Huygens > Cassini general discussion and science results
According to JPL's home page, the next news briefing will be on August 4. Does anyone know what will be discussed here? Will anything new about Titan be discussed?
Yes and yes
I guess you are going to have to drool some more. The press conference was cancelled. There will be a "listen and log-in" press event thursday sans ISS discoveries. Those will be in a later press release.
...............hmmmmm thats disappointing, things have gone VERY quiet regarding Cassini lately.

Any ideas what they intended to discuss, and why was it cancelled?
I'm guessing that that information is considered 'priviliged'.

I do hope that on a scale of 1 to whatever, you can tell us how significant the information that will eventually be released is (with for example visible 'oceans' being confirmed counting as a 10).

I guess this is what they were intending to discuss:

The Cassini spacecraft, which began its tour of the Saturn system just over a month ago, has detected lightning and a new radiation belt at Saturn, and a glow around the planet's largest moon, Titan.
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