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2006 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting
December 11-15, 2006
Moscone Center West, 800 Howard Street
San Francisco, California
Although the full abstracts won't be online for a couple of more weeks, there is an alphabetical (by author) list of abstracts submitted to date as well as lists for the various sessions (e.g., a listing of the proposed planetary sciences sessions).
QUOTE (AlexBlackwell @ Sep 13 2006, 07:37 AM) *
Although the full abstracts won't be online for a couple of more weeks...

Instead of "a couple of more weeks," I should have written "over a month." According to the meeting web page: "The scientific program will be posted to this page around 16 October."
The scientific program with abstract titles has been posted; the full abstracts will go online shortly. The planetary sciences sessions can be accessed here.
The abstracts are now available.
What I get for being lazy:

Omacatl and Elpis Maculae as possible sources of windblown dark material, from Cassini VIMS
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