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Unmanned > Mars & Missions > Mars
International Astronomical Union XXVI General Assembly
August 14-25, 2006
Prague, Czech Republic

Scientific Program
Hmm, makes me wish there was a meetings section on this site. The General Assembly will certainly be dealing with far more issues than just Mars. Not sure we need a bazillion seperate threads in each topic discussed at this meeting either (like we have been doing for LPSC...)
Phil Stooke
Could be a good idea...

I have rebranded the 'books' sub forum to be for Conferences and Publications (it was fairly quiet in there wink.gif )

I was just wondering. Will the Assembly assign provisional (Level 3) names to the newly (ie after Cassini entered saturn orbit) features seen on Saturn's many icy moons?
Not sure. Usually they show up before the meeting, but none have been officially assigned. I know names have been bounced around, but either they haven't been officially submitted, there is something holding up there selection by one of the sub-committees, or other reasons.
Today The Bad Astronomer (aka Phil Plait) pointed out a blog dedicated to this meeting.
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