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Unmanned > Outer Solar System > Saturn > Cassini Huygens > Cassini general discussion and science results
Where are the picture's of Saturns stunning rings? Cassini hasn't taken any images of them since orbit insertion a month ago blink.gif blink.gif
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There were also stunning images of the rings released on July 22 and July 16
That's a good question sunspot. Most of the images being taken now (if you look in the raw images site) are of the south pole of Saturn. Based on the request names (not on the raw images page, but to which I have access to) these are support images for UVIS observations of Saturn's aurorae. Not many pictures though specifically showing the rings though.
Thanks, I was wondering why there were so many pictures of the south pole.
Are there going to be any 3D images of the rings and Saturn or at least left/right images we can make anaglyphs out of? Even if they targeted the same region with pictures taken a few seconds apart in the orbit would probably work.
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