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Unmanned > Mars & Missions > Mars
An odd idea. This article shows a new proposal idea to send a man along with a woman to Mars without order to attract the Earth public to support to the uniques human in Mars. Of course, the Earth will send periodically spaces with food, oxygen and water to Mars. They will live at the bottom of the surface (Hella) where there is greater air pressure and water vapor to be captured and looks for any cavs around there to protect from radiations. Long reading.

It starts out well, but then it gets to "When most of the world tunes in to this dramatic life-or-death situation, international tensions will naturally defuse. All humanity will become acutely aware of their common bond as earthbound brothers and sisters, a bond transcending culture or religion. It is not too much to believe that this singular event could well usher in a new age of international cooperation and new respect for humanistic values." I have sadly become cynical in my old age, for this reads to me like A Modest Proposal.
QUOTE (RNeuhaus @ Aug 1 2006, 12:01 AM) *
This article shows a new proposal idea to send a man along with a woman to Mars without order to attract the Earth public to support to the uniques human in Mars.
Such a move, by any country, would probably draw (and merit) international condemnation rather than imitation.
I think that this kind mission is not, at least only for now, suited to our logical mind. This kind mission is emotional, looking to print as a heroe in our humanity history. Rationally, most people will think it as a crazy mission only suited for any fanatic of Mars. In anyway, I would not approve this idea. Better, take the time along with the technology advancement until it becomes mature enough to send reasonably a man to Mars and return to Earth with good health and shape.

The stories at are sometimes good, Dwayne A. Day for example is a really good space historian and has written some good papers, published among others in JBIS.

But way too often the articles are like this one: crazy. Some weeks ago there has been an article strongly suggesting the U.S. should develop and put weapons into space to be able to attac any point on earth within x minutes (terrorists all over the world blah, blah). This is not only crazy but dangerous.

You have to read there very selectivly.

Phil Stooke
I wouldn't pay too much attention to this ridiculous article. It's the kind of thing people throw together when they are late for a deadline.

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