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Unmanned > EVA > Chit Chat
This was in a desk calendar I have:

"That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind." - Neil A. Armstrong


A thin man ran, makes a large stride, left planet, pins flag on Moon! On to Mars!
I don't believe Armstrong was thin. Sorry, your entire "quatrain" falls apart. biggrin.gif
For me, the little step done by Armstrong is a strong drive in believing that the human can conquer to other planets. Of course, I like that the exploration progress shall be done realistically, according to the money and technology reach. That is to progress with good small steps but with good and encouraging results.

QUOTE (RNeuhaus @ Jul 31 2006, 07:53 PM) *
a strong drive in believing that the human can conquer to other planets.

Any doubt about it? Money won't be a problem.
A meteor might be, not money or will...

And here I go, off to the mountain! biggrin.gif
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