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Who Turned Out The Enlightenment?
By Paul Starobin
The National Journal
Friday, July 28, 2006
Borne out of an Age of Enlightenment, science in American flourished from the country's inception through the 1960s. But now, the prospect of discovery appears not to thrill but to worry entrenched partisans. National Journal takes an in-depth look at the assault that has befallen America's intellectual tradition.
Thank you, Alex -- that was a very well-written article. It organized and presented my own views on the matter more effectively than I have managed, thus far.

We need more rational reporting like this in the world today.

-the other Doug
It was an interesting article, despite the fact that some of the things the author seems to believe as undisputed truth, I see as hypotheses yet to be tested. But I think the overlying problem is not something new. There have always been special interests claiming that the world is flat. I would suggest that the apparent difference these days is more likely caused by the revolution in communication. The world had not yet come to grips with the jump from reading the morning paper to getting the nightly news on TV. Now, the Internet provides almost realtime communication across the globe, and many special interests of all varieties are exploiting the new media to further their agendas. It's in our face wherever we turn.

Science is the time-tested method for revealing the truth, and although it is still learning to deal with global communication at the speed of light, I think true scientists will continue to deliver the truth above the backgound noise.
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