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Full Version: The potential for prebiotic chemistry in the possible cryovolcanic dome Ganesa Macula on Titan
Unmanned > Outer Solar System > Saturn > Cassini Huygens > Titan
I though I would mention that Catherine Neish et al. have an interesting paper in press with the International Journal of Astrobiology:

The potential for prebiotic chemistry in the possible cryovolcanic dome Ganesa Macula on Titan
C.D. Neish et al.
International Journal of Astrobiology, In Press, 2006
Published online by Cambridge University Press 22 June 2006

I've read the preprint, and it's pretty interesting, I must say.
What makes papers from this group so exciting is that each one sets the parameters for a whole new field of scientific enquiry. They are doing the Big Imagining that reveals new vistas in tantalising outline. Cynics might say there is an element of propaganda here, but I think this is not only brilliant science but brilliant science advocacy. Titan deserves them!
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