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Full Version: Mer-like Raw Image Availability
Unmanned > Outer Solar System > Saturn > Cassini Huygens > Cassini general discussion and science results
Just watching the news conference that just ended and Bob Mitchell mentioned that the raw images from Cassini starting after SOI will be available on the web shortly after we get them, much like MER. This is news to me but good news for those outside of the loop so to speak.
I saw/heard that too, and was right on my way here to post about it!

Very good news indeed! biggrin.gif
OMG huh.gif huh.gif are you serious? Hope its true biggrin.gif

Not long to go, any one else getting a little nervous?
QUOTE (volcanopele @ Jun 30 2004, 04:34 PM)
Just watching the news conference that just ended and Bob Mitchell mentioned that the raw images from Cassini starting after SOI will be available on the web shortly after we get them, much like MER. This is news to me but good news for those outside of the loop so to speak.

Dont know who managed to get that actioned - but WOOHOO smile.gif

I think I might have to start biggrin.gif

I don't know how this is going down but it seemed to me that this would be started after SOI, meaning not tomorrow morning or Friday afternoon (T0) but later and then from then on in the mission
Bjorn Jonsson
Better than that: The images are available *now* and I'm already getting myself swamped. At last we get to see some really recent images (except for Phoebe where the images appeared quickly).
wow!! well, there went what I was thinking.
The images are available *now* and I'm already getting myself swamped. At last we get to see some really recent images (except for Phoebe where the images appeared quickly).

Raw image link
What they need is like a scaled down version of what we have, so that you can select by target, resolution, image number, sub-spacecraft point, etc.
Here's the link to Cassini's RAW IMAGES!!!! 500 images are already posted! Whohoo!!!!
OMG, stunning...

Wow. Wow. Wow again. Thankyou to whoever set this up!

<deletes CICLOPS 'wget'-ing executable>
I count over 5000 images smile.gif
"I don't think some kind of automated JPEG-isation a la MER is a suitable option"


I've never been more happy to be proved wrong!

Jason, are the June 21st images of Rhea the ones that show a bright spot near the terminator?
that sounds about right. maybe a bit earlier. We were talking about it on June 21
eegad, I'm sorry, I have to say that again, eegad. We have JPEG thumbnails for us where we get images and the stretch is done much better.
Yeah - the auto-stretch being done renders them essentially useless for looking at the moons at the moment sad.gif

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