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Unmanned > EVA > Chit Chat
Good news...some things have transpired lately...I can soon lay to rest.

It is about time! rolleyes.gif
don't keep us in suspense too long !
QUOTE (lyford @ May 7 2006, 03:54 AM) *
don't keep us in suspense too long !

Well, I have for a long time wanted to move my site. I am limited to 10 MEGS, so most of the images have to be stored at other sites like imageshack. I now have a setup through work, and will be slowly moving the site. Initially, there will be a new home page, with many links to the old site, but I eventually plan to bring everything over and simply have a link to the new site at the location.
I am at last laying the groundwork for a new site. Right now, it is just a placeholder, but it will be growing biggrin.gif

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