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Full Version: June 21 Conference
Unmanned > Outer Solar System > Saturn > Cassini Huygens > Cassini general discussion and science results
Wasn't there some sort of conference June 21 that was going to discuss the Cassini flyby of Phoebe? If so, was any VIMS or RADAR data mentioned?
There will be a NASA science update on June 23. Results from ISS, VIMS, RSS, UVIS, and CIRS will be discussed as well as images released from those instruments. RADAR was not in SAR mode during the encounter so it doesn't have images to release.
Thanks volcanopele. You're the man cool.gif

Did you study the volcano Pele during the Galileo mission?
Watch out pioneer! Volcanopele is the inner solar system's leading authority on volcano-world. What Jason *doesn't* know about Io is either
a) not worth knowing.
b) can only be learnt by travelling there personally.

This could take some time...
are these NASA-TV science updates archived? So, when I miss it tomorrow I can still watch it...
>are these NASA-TV science updates archived? So, when I miss it tomorrow I can still watch it...

Yes. You can see them at
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