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Full Version: Is There A Signature Cd Onboard Huygens?
Unmanned > Outer Solar System > Saturn > Cassini Huygens > Cassini general discussion and science results
I vaguely remember that prior to the Cassini-lauch it was possible to enter signatures on the website which were supposed to be put on a CD onboard the Huygens probe. The site is gone, so there is no chance to have a look at the content of the disk (unlike the Mars rover DVDs, where you can still go and browse the names and even print certificates). Does anybody know for sure whether this CD has actually been placed on board the spacecraft? Or was it just a publicity stunt?
It's onboard Cassini - and my signature's on there smile.gif

Huygens has a CD onboard as well. ESA ran a public relations event for Europeans to submit signatures and messages to be recorded on a CD and attached to Huygens for its mission to Saturn/Titan. They issued a free copy of the CD-ROM in 1997 containing all the signatures/messages along with some Cassini/Huygens mission details and artwork.
Here is an image of the CD being mounted on Huygens.

The signatures and drawings on the Huygens CD are now online. They can be found at:

If you have submitted a message or an image you can enter your name and find what you have send out into space years ago. Unfortunately I found no way to browse the whole list, but if you enter a common family name, you can always find some interesting results.
The same CD-ROM contains four pop songs, composed by French musicians Julien Civange and Louis Haéri.

More about this project at:

A news item on the Titan music here:

A music album inspired by the Cassini-Huygens mission can be viewed here:
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