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Full Version: First Data from CTX and MARCI
Unmanned > Mars & Missions > Orbiters > MRO 2005
Wow - the CTX images really are crisp, sharp and ...well...stunning.

Bob Shaw
Very interesting - I hadn't realised that MARCI had a fisheye lens! And the other context images are great, too!

All I can say is, I'm waiting. I can wait all night, you know...

Tum ti tum.

Bob Shaw
I can see a much improved image CTX from MRO against ones of MGC. For comparision purpose, visit the following image:
However, the CTX images were relatively closer to Oppy than Spirit taking from the East tip of Mariner valley toward to south up to the west of Agyre impact basin.

With a little luck, the picture would hit on the Victoria!

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