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Full Version: Image Collection
Unmanned > Mars & Missions > Past and Future > MER > Tech, General and Imagery
Has anyone here saved ALL the rover images to date from BOTH rovers?

Since the rovers landed Ive got about 750Mb worth so far, small fraction of the total in fact blink.gif blink.gif And im on dial up too blink.gif

That includes some of the really big panoramic images that have been assembled from individual frames though. I'm not sure how many MB the entire image collection would take up. Any guesses?
Say 20,000 images from each, at 150kb each ( some are 300k, some are 1k) - 3 Gig. biggrin.gif

I gave up trying to archive the lot - it was a futile exercise, and I just gather what I want - work with it, then delete it..

What I will download and archive properly, is the proper distrubuted science data in a few months time biggrin.gif

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