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Full Version: Live Coverage?
Unmanned > Outer Solar System > Saturn > Cassini Huygens > Cassini general discussion and science results
Does anyone know if there will be any live coverage of Cassini's Phoebe flyby?
doesn't look like it..
Yeah, that's one of the pages I checked as well. sad.gif It's really too bad. Here we are with the FIRST close flyby of Phoebe and they're not even going to cover the event. mad.gif

Maybe things will beef up after SOI, but so far I've been very disappointed in the coverage of, and release of images from, the Cassini mission. The MER project has things down pretty good, at least with timely releases of images. Seems like they ought to be able to standardize the release of data from ALL JPL-led missions.
would be a nice job-creating thing too! biggrin.gif
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