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Full Version: Other Cassini/huygens Discussions
Unmanned > Outer Solar System > Saturn > Cassini Huygens > Cassini general discussion and science results
IF you like IRC CHAT, we have a room on the servers named appropriately " #cassini ". We have numerous individuals VERY interested in the deepest level available. Many are from (including the founders) the #maestro room which was created to support the 'public' release of the rover's planning software by the same name. Several of the JPL staffers were well-known there and also in the #cassini room.

The discussions in both rooms has been entertaining and very detail-oriented. Several have been processing/posting hi-rez images including (near)true-color images and mosaics/panoramas from the Mars Rover mission. Also there are a few from the Cassini Imaging team (CICLOPS) that have said they will interact somewhat as the mission progresses.

I am also the founder of the #SpaceShipOne room which had a really good chat during the record flight on June21. In spite of only setting it up to the public only 2 days before and spreading the word through numerous points on the net, including SlashDot, the user-count and overall interest was really good. There is some planned interaction woth some of the people involved with that project as well. We plan for a big run when the record/X-Prize Flights are attempted. Hope to chat with you there...

- Pandelirium - Moderator/OPs - freenode.registered -- #cassini #maestro #SpaceShipOne #Pandelirium
sorry, I'm not familiar with IRC chat. Does anyone have more info? How does it work?

anyone know any other discussions?
QUOTE (remcook @ Jul 7 2004, 12:23 PM)
sorry, I'm not familiar with IRC chat. Does anyone have more info? How does it work?

anyone know any other discussions?

IRC is an Internet-based live chat protocol.. there are 'channels', typically each devoted to a particular topic, and people join the channels and chat about this and that and the other.

The most popular Windows-based IRC client is mIRC, which you can download at
Right. thanks
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