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Unmanned > Mars & Missions > Mars
Workshop on Martian Sulfates as Recorders of Atmospheric-Fluid-Rock Interactions
October 22–24, 2006
Houston, Texas

First Announcement

As an aside, has anyone ever wondered about the proliferation of these planetary sciences-related conferences? Don't get me wrong, I think they're great. However, they seem to crop up like mushrooms; in fact, more frequently than, say, "NASA advisory committees."

So, what's next? A "Workshop on Martian Sulfates as Recorders of Atmospheric-Fluid-Rock Interactions for Left-Handed People Born After 1968 Who Happen to Reside East of the Mississippi River"? cool.gif
Oh, come on, Alex, that would be unscientific. What we're really going to see is "Workshop on Martian Sulfates as Recorders of Atmospheric-Fluid-Rock Interactions on the Northeast Upper Slope of Lowell Crater During the Last Quarter of the Hesperian Era". THAT'S the sort of thing that would bring in NASA money.
Bill Harris
Don't knock sulfates... they kept a lot of prokaryotes running before there was enough oxygen to run the eukaryotes.

I'm not sure if it's been mentioned but the final program and abstracts have been posted.
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