Good Afternoon, it's Friday May 28th and this is the Flight Director Update for the Mars Exploration Rovers, my name is Chris Lewicki and I'm working on Spirit today.

I'ts sol 143 at Gusev crater and Spirit has finished its first of four driving sol quartets that it repeats. Yesterday we drove about 60 metres to the Columbia Hills and that brings our odometry total to 2650 metres and we have just another 620 metres to go. Today we're doing some pre drive imaging before we drive today on a target called Degwood Sandwich a very interesting thing we ended up at yesterday. So we'll be looking at that in most of our camera filters today before we drive off about another 70 metres. We still expect to get to Columbia Hills by Sol 160 so it's not too long now.

On the other side of the planet at Meridiani Planum it's sol 122 and Opportunity succesfully executed our second Deep Sleep of the mission and we survived the night just fine with that and it saved the energy we expected to. More importantly our Mini TES intrument we put in danger with the Deep Sleep operation did survive the night and we hope it will survive more of these but we're getting dangerous close to the cold temperatures which it isnt able to survive thru. On the evening of sol 123 we're planning another deep sleep and again that is to ensure we have more power for more operations while we continue to study Endurance Crater.

And that's what happening on mars today