Hello, it's Thursday May 27th,and this is the Flight Director update for the Mars Exploration Rovers. My name is Chris Lewicki and I'm working on Spirit today.

It's Sol 142 on Spirit and we've caught up with our science activities from the last few days and recovering from our anamoly over the weekend and we're backing up now and observing the trench infront of us. Tomorrow will include some more driving, we're starting the first of our four driving quartets and we'll drive about 60 metres and after that luck at the sun for a while to update our attitude. And that's whats going on on Spirit

On Opportunity it's Sol 121, and we are still at Endurance Crater survey position number 2, and we're finishing up there with a heavy day of Mini TES observations and tonight we'll be exercising Deep Sleep overnight to save a lot of the power that we end up using on our IDD heater. So heavy on Mini TES, Tonight we should be deep sleeping, the sun will wake us up at about 7 in the morning and tomorrow we're looking forward to some more APXS and Mossbauer work at Barberton rock. We probably wont deep sleep tomorrow, but the day after we'll probably be doing it again, we'll be doind deep sleep more often than we have in the past.

Back on earth we're just starting with our testing in the test bed to verify that the rover can drive into Endurance and we're learning a lot about the rover caperbilities at a site like Endurance crater with doing that testing and we'll find out if we can drive into endurance soon

And that's what's happening on Mars Today.