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Full Version: Comparision between MARSIS and SHARAD
Unmanned > Mars & Missions > Mars
SHARAD will likely not probe as deeply as MARSIS, but it has ten times the vertical resolution, allowing for opportunities to map detailed subsurface stratigraphy, says Phillips, who is also director of Washington University's McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences.

"I think that SHARAD will be an excellent mapper of the sedimentary layers on Mars, and that will help us better understand the water history of the planet, "Phillips says.

"One of my hopes is to connect what SHARAD maps in the subsurface in the Terra Meridiani area to the sulfate-rich stratigraphy that has been seen there by the Mars Exploration Rover (MER) Opportunity. This will help place the local stratigraphy at the MER landing site into a more regional context and help refine hypotheses for the origins of these enigmatic sedimentary rocks."

The good thing is coming when MEX and MRO will compare their results of radar-sub surface. They have their advantages.

More details click here

Many scientists from the teams at work on MARSIS are now working on the ASI's Shallow Radar (SHARAD) on board MRO.

MARSIS team has many findings and they are happy with their results. Hope they will publish it soon.

Fresh news from MARSIS and SHARAD

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